Table of contents:
- What is a marriage?
- What is a covenant?
- Marriage in the Old Testament
- What does the Lord say about marriage in the New Testament?
- Marriage as an example of the relationship of the Lord and His Church
- What is, in short, the history of the marriage ceremony in our society?
- What is the status of the (Christian) marriage ceremony in our society?
- What is the current practice in regard to divorce?
- What does the Bible say about divorce?
- The ‘exception rule’ and the Jewish marriage
- Living in sin and falling into sin
- What is adultery and what is fornication?
- What does the Bible say about partaking in the Lord's Supper?
- What does the Bible say about remarriage after divorce?
- Restoration and healing
- A severe warning
- Beautiful things can happen with stolen goods
- Two testimonies
- When there hasn't been a marriage yet
- In conclusion