Willem Lingeman
L i f e
U n i t e d
f o r
that love and faithfulness may not leave you

Table of contents:


  1.   What is a marriage?
  2.   What is a covenant?
  3.   Marriage in the Old Testament
  4.   What does the Lord say about marriage in the New Testament?
  5.   Marriage as an example of the relationship of the Lord  and His Church 
  6.   What is, in short, the history of the marriage ceremony in our society?
  7.   What is the status of the (Christian) marriage ceremony in our society?
  8.   What is the current practice in regard to divorce?
  9.   What does the Bible say about divorce?
  10. The ‘exception rule’ and the Jewish marriage
  11. Living in sin and falling into sin
  12. What is adultery and what is fornication?
  13. What does the Bible say about partaking in the Lord's Supper?
  14. What does the Bible say about remarriage after divorce?
  15. Restoration and healing
  16. A severe warning
  17. Beautiful things can happen with stolen goods
  18. Two testimonies
  19. When there hasn't been a marriage yet
  20. In conclusion